The Current State of Healthcare: 8 Tech Trends that keeps the industry strong in 2021

The Current State of Healthcare: 8 Tech Trends that keeps the industry strong in 2021

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the crisis impacted the healthcare system. The roles of healthcare professionals have changed drastically,...

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IT and Sustainability: What’s the Connection?

IT and Sustainability: What’s the Connection?

The tech industry is known to be energy-extensive. We look for devices with powerful chips and software to complete our daily tasks quickly. We are...

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What you should know about Salesforce

What you should know about Salesforce

As the COVID-19 cases rise in the Philippines, businesses should create safe return-to-work strategies for their employees. It is crucial to use the...

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WiTech: How it inspires others to close the gender gap in the tech field

WiTech: How it inspires others to close the gender gap in the tech field

This March 31st at 11:00AM, Third Pillar will be hosting a live webinar with the founder and executive director of WiTech, Audrey Pe. Before we get...

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